
Designed by José Scaglione Veronika Burian. Released 2021.

A three-axis variable family that shifts from sans to slab serif, from condensed to expanded widths, and includes every possibility in between. Belarius opts for poignancy instead of the overly quirky nature of poster slab serifs.

  • 2021 Clap Platinum Award for best headline font.
Belarius Poster Set. 30 fonts USD 279,60
Belarius Sans Set. 30 fonts USD 279,60
Belarius Serif Set. 30 fonts USD 279,60
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Some ephemerists collect documents simply as evocative reminders of the past.

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Der Doktrin von „Leistung und Machbarkeit“, die unsere heutige Lebensweise präge, setzt Schmidt eine Ethik der Verletzlichkeit entgegen. Dabei geht es ihr nicht darum, fatalistisch hinzunehmen, dass alles, woran uns im Leben liegt, einmal vergehen muss – und deswegen von vornherein sinnlos wäre. Vielmehr sollten wir uns als Wesen begreifen, „die immer wieder einen Anfang machen können und auch wollen“, ohne dabei vor der eigenen Endlichkeit die Augen zu verschließen.

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Being an artist or an artisan is not a hobby: it is a livelihood. Moreover, a craft economy is a truly sustainable and resilient economy; indeed, a peace economy. The sooner we embrace the arts and crafts as an integral part of our daily lives, the sooner we will be able to address the economic, environmental and spiritual issues of our time. The industrial economy is a growth economy – never enough and never satisfied – whereas the craft economy is a dancing economy – always active and always joyful.

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Variable - wdth/wght/serif
USD 286,08BUY
Variable Oblique - wdth/wght/serif
USD 286,08BUY

The Backstory



Belarius is the second font family within a trilogy by José Scaglione and Veronika Burian, with Catalpa being the first and Aneto the last. Each of the three have a distinct purpose and their own look, but they serve a common goal as a combinatory suite covering an editorial’s wide array of needs. Like a highly prized drink, the Belarius type family seems like it was aged in oak barrels filled with one part deeply researched editorials and one part vintage advertisements. These two influences give the typeface both its ability to fit many uses and its warm, burnished look.

Belarius is a three-axis variable family that shifts from sans to slab serif, from condensed to expanded widths, and from light to bold weights, including every possibility in between. With serifs that can appear and lengthen at will, Belarius’s baritone voice opts for poignancy instead of the overly quirky nature of poster slab serifs. This is modern tech for discerning (and often demanding) work, making it a multitool for magazine, digital editorial, and packaging design.

Several styles of Belarius properly wrangle the information laid out in tables and charts. Rounding out its OpenType capabilities are sets of rulers, patterns, endmarks, and fleurons. These features are needed for professional text layouts, especially complementing the capital settings, while the sans serif version allows smaller reproduction sizes. The Poster styles extend the normal slab serif length with deliberate exaggeration for a unique, crackly texture in headings, and we’ve flexed our coding muscles to automatically adjust for appropriate spacing in response. Regardless how suave and modest it may be, Belarius’s 90 total styles are universally magnetic and serve up hierarchy in the clearest of ways.

Belarius is by nature restrained to fulfill its midrange purpose: packaging, headlines and subheads, advertising, decks, and pull-quotes. Its yesteryear purity imbues it with a suave, polite, and genuinely modest manner. Belarius may not become the darling of the branding world, but it sure will cause packaging, editorial, and website makers to say, “Yes, this is what I had in mind!”

Lead design and concept
Veronika Burian, José Scaglione

Type Design
Azza Alameddine 
Pooja Saxena

Quality Assurance
Azza Alameddine

Joancarles Casasín
Irene Vlachou

Radek Sidun

Graphic Design
Rabab Charafeddine
Elena Veguillas
Roxane Gataud

Motion Design
Cecilia Brarda

Joshua Farmer

About Us

TypeTogether is an indie type foundry committed to excellence in type design with a focus on editorial use. Additionally, TypeTogether creates custom type design for corporate use. We invite you to browse our library of retail fonts or contact us to discuss custom type design projects.