Typetogether - Newsletter
Primarium, a global view on handwriting education with TypeTogether

Free Herb Lubalin lecture

We’re delighted to announce that Veronika Burian and José Scaglione will present TypeTogether’s global handwriting project, Primarium, online as part of Type@Cooper’s Herb Lubalin Lecture Series next week. Save your spot now!

In early 2022, TypeTogether started a groundbreaking research project to examine the state of Latin script-based handwriting education in primary schools in over 40 countries in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

The end result will be to publish a free and public resource later this year for the typographic and educational communities. As the first of its kind, it will be full of insight and practical ways to use the information on a daily basis for teaching, learning, and further research.

This online presentation will provide a snapshot of our ongoing research, marking the beginning of our efforts to share our learning with a wide audience.

The free online lecture is part of the Herb Lubalin series and will be streamed on Monday, 12 June, 12:30–2:30 pm Eastern Standard time. Sign up now!


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