“The Truth About Dinosaurs” book
September 2019
Arlette in use in Guido van Genechten’s picture book about chickens and dinosaurs and connectedness.
Arlette in use in Guido van Genechten’s picture book about chickens and dinosaurs and connectedness.
Arlette, an organic and curvy typeface designed by Pilar Cano and Ferran Milan, has been used in the English edition of the book The Truth About Dinosaurs, with illustrations and concept by Guido van Genechten, and published by Five Quills. What starts out as a mysterious misunderstanding ends by shedding a fun light on connectedness.
The design of the English translation was based on the original design from the Belgium & Neatherlands publisher Clavis Uitgeveri. The main difference is the typographic choice, implemented by book designer Becky Chilcott: “Arlette complimented the quirky style of the artwork perfectly and is a little bit different whilst still being clear, legible, and easy for children to read. I was also attracted to using it since the book text jumps from capitals to lowercase, and Arlette’s style and design in both of these suited the book well and made it the perfect choice.” Set in a generous size, Arlette is perfect for young adults or, in this case, beginners who read alone or with some help.
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