Postea Greek

Designed by Tom Grace José Scaglione Veronika Burian. Released 2024.

As with the entire multiscript Postea family, Postea Greek is the simple and impactful geometric typeface for digital and print. Its lyrical rather than stodgy aesthetic is ideal for branding, signage, corporate typefaces, and magazine text.

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Ένα γραμματόσημο που μπορεί να ονομαστεί "υπέροχο" είναι ένα από τα καλύτερα ποιοτικά.

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Ο μπρουταλισμός (στα αγγλικά Brutalism, γνωστός και ως New Brutalism-νεομπρουταλισμός) ήταν αρχιτεκτονικό κίνημα που δημιουργήθηκε και αναπτύχθηκε τη δεκαετία του 1950 έως τα μέσα του '70 με κέντρο την Αγγλία και κύριους εκφραστές του τους Πήτερ και Άλισον Σμίθσον. Στόχος του ήταν η επιστροφή στις αρχές του φονξιοναλισμού και η αποτίναξη του ζυγού των κορυφαίων αρχιτεκτόνων της εποχής.

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Για τους Μπρουταλιστές, η ηθική ήταν η ειλικρίνεια προς τα υλικά και τη δομή του κτιρίου. Ενώ οι αρχιτέκτονες του μοντέρνου κτιρίου επεξεργάζονταν τις δομήσιμες ύλες τους έτσι ώστε να μοιάζουν με βιομηχανικά τελειοποιημένο προϊόν, οι Μπρουταλιστές άφηναν τα τούβλα άβαφα και ανεπίχριστα και το σκυρόδεμα εμφανές, ακόμα και στα σημεία συναρμογής διαφορετικών υλικών.

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USD 258,61BUY
Variable - wght
USD 258,61BUY

The Backstory

Postea Greek

Greek calligraphic structure enhanced by a century of lessons from geometric type design.

As an addition to Veronika Burian and José Scaglione’s Postea Latin, the Postea Greek font family is a take on geometric typefaces, reshaped with the right attributes for setting paragraphs and headings, and perfect for branding and text use. The designers for this multiscript extension are Veronika Burian, Tom Grace, and Yorlmar Campos, with consultancy by Irene Vlachou. The classic curves and purposeful details keep its individuality intact while allowing it to fit an incredible range of design needs. Because of these qualities, Postea Greek makes normal reading in paragraphs a cinch and your branding memorable.
Compared to Bauhaus attributes of restraint and a sparse appearance, Postea Greek’s deliberate play between character widths injects liveliness and distinction into its personality. Another nice surprise awaits: spacing for the Hairline weight is tighter for optimal use in large headings and titles, while the regular weights have the expected, slightly looser spacing for text.
Postea Greek is opinionated and has modern stylistic sets with softer, specially-designed alternate characters. Wallpaper-worthy geometric symbols, arrows, and ornaments are packed into SS01 and SS09. For the ultimate in customisation and glamour, the second and third stylistic sets are where geometric and typographic alternates are found.
Postea Greek’s 14 total styles (seven upright with matching italics) or two variable fonts are accompanied by an all-new family of icons in three weights, for which we developed a new, easy activation. Simply bookend the desired icon name with colons (:arrowUp: :firstAid: :aid: :chargingStation:), making sure to capitalise each word after the first word, then select it and activate SS10. Icons include wayfinding, social interface, and sanitary precautions like face masks, thermometers, hand washing, and much more.
Postea Greek is resilient in the number of ways the family can be used, and its recognisable characters make it a prime selection for branding, signage, corporate typefaces, and magazines. The entire five-script Postea family (Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, and Latin, now including Vietnamese) brings simplicity and impact together nicely, invoking a balance between a constructed and human feel while brushing away the dust from a century of derivatives. Beginning with the reserved Bauhaus virtues, Postea Greek is the rational response for text — a lyrical take on geometric sans serifs.

Lead design and concept
Veronika Burian, José Scaglione

Type Design
Azza Alameddine (Arabic)
Veronika Burian (Greek)
Yorlmar Campos (Greek)
Vera Evstafieva (Cyrillic)
Tom Grace (Hebrew, Greek)

Icon Design
Luciana Sottini

Quality Assurance
Azza Alameddine

Joancarles Casasín

Radek Sidun (Latin)

Graphic Design
Rabab Charafeddine
Elena Veguillas
Felicia Priscillya

Motion Design
Cecilia Brarda

Joshua Farmer

Meir Sadan (Hebrew)
Irene Vlachou (Greek)

Social media manager
Douglas Arellanes